Characteristics of computer:

The computer is an intelligent machine that solves problems and performed much faster,accurately and efficiently. The characteristics of computers are listed below: 1. Speed 2. Accuracy 3. Diligence 4.Storage Capability 5. Versatility Speed:                                          The Computer can process data very fast,at the rate  of millions of instruction per second                               Ex: Calculation,generation of salary slips… Continue reading Characteristics of computer:

Control Structure with example of flowchart and program:

Definition:    <Book Content> The logic of a program may not always be a linear sequence of statements to be executed in that order.    The  logic of the program may require execution of a statement  based on a decision. Control structures specify the  statements to be executed and the order of execution of statements… Continue reading Control Structure with example of flowchart and program:

Difference b/w Algorithm,Flow Chart and pseudo Code

Algorithm:        (<book content> Below mentioned all )   An algorithm is a sequence of instructions u0sed to solve a particular problem Flowchart and pseudo code are tools  to  document and represent the other words Algorithm is an Used to solve a particular problem<book content> An algorithm can be represented using a flow chart or… Continue reading Difference b/w Algorithm,Flow Chart and pseudo Code

Preparing pseudo code:

Definition:   Pseudo  Code is written using structured English  Pseudo Code : Some terms are commonly used  to represent  the various actions   for (Input- data,  Output data,Calculation,Addition,Subtraction ,initialization,respectively) Inputting data terms:(INPUT,GET,READ), Outputting data terms:(OUTPUT,PRINT,DISPLAY) Calculation                     :(COMPUTE,CALCULATE) Increment                       :(INCREMENT) Arithmetic Operation    :(ADD,SUBTRACT,INITIALIZE)   Rules of pseudo code:                  Keywords are written in CAPITALS                   Basic Keywords… Continue reading Preparing pseudo code:


Definition: Algorithm is ordered sequence of finite well defined,unambiguous instructions for completing a task Algorithm like a English.representation,which is used to solve the problem Step by step procedure for solving a task  (or) Problem Example:Find the greatest among three numbers: Algorithm 1: Step 1:Start Step 2:Read the three numbers Step 3:Compare A and B.if A… Continue reading Algorithm

Basic Organization of a Computer

The architecture of the computer has not changed, but the technology may be vary from one computer to another computer. However, the basic organization of computers remains the same for all computers. The basic computer architecture shown in the figure. The computers have the following three units: Input unit Central processing unit Output unit INPUT… Continue reading Basic Organization of a Computer

Octal to binary,hexadecimal,decimal

(137) base is 8, so this is octal: Convert to Binary: 4   2   1        4     2     1       4     2    1 0    0   1        0    1      1       1     1     1   Answer is:1011111 Conversion to  hexadecimal: 8     4      2     1            8    4    2     1 0      1      0     1           1       1    1    1 5                               F… Continue reading Octal to binary,hexadecimal,decimal