Characteristics of computer:

  • The computer is an intelligent machine that solves problems and performed much faster,accurately and efficiently. The characteristics of computers are listed below:
    1. Speed
    2. Accuracy
    3. Diligence
    4.Storage Capability
    5. Versatility
  • Speed: 

                                        The Computer can process data very fast,at the rate  of millions of instruction per second

                              Ex: Calculation,generation of salary slips of thousands of employees of an    organization,weather forecasting

  • Accuracy:

                                        Computer provides a high degree of accuracy.

                              Ex:The computer accurately give the result of divided any two number up to 10 decimal places

  • Diligence:

                            When used the longer period of time computer can’t get tired or can perform long and complex calculation

The same speed and accuracy from start and till end

  • Storage capability:

Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the computer and also retrieved when ever required .

  • Versatility:

Computer is versatile in can perform different types with the same ease


Computers have several limitation can only perform task that it has been programmed to do

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