Difference b/w Algorithm,Flow Chart and pseudo Code


       (<book content> Below mentioned all )

  •   An algorithm is a sequence of instructions u0sed to solve a particular problem
  • Flowchart and pseudo code are tools  to  document and represent the algorithm.in other words
  • Algorithm is an Used to solve a particular problem<book content>
  • An algorithm can be represented using a flow chart or pseudo code

Flow Chart:

  • Flow Chart is a Graphical representation of an algorithm

pseudo Code:

  • pseudo code is a readable
  • Formally styled English like language representation of algorithm

Some important points about flow chart and Algorithm:

  1. Both pseudo code and algorithm structured and constructs of a programming language for a representation
  2. The user does not require the knowledge of a programming language to write understand a flow chart or a pseudo codE


S. No Algorithm Flow Chart Pseudo Code
1 Sequence of instruction to solve the Particular Problem Pictorial Representation of algorithm Sequence of instruction to solve the Particular Problem
2 It’s pure English Language, it has no rules to write It has symbol to Represent the instruction It’s a English language But it has, some set of rules
3 It’s not a tool for document purpose Flow chart are tools document and represent algorithm Pseudo code are toosl document represent and Algorithm
4 Sequence of instruction to solve the Particular Problem Pictorial representation of algorithm using standard symbols. Rules of structured design & programming.

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