

Algorithm is ordered sequence of finite well defined,unambiguous instructions for completing a task

  • Algorithm like a English.representation,which is used to solve the problem
  • Step by step procedure for solving a task  (or) Problem

Example:Find the greatest among three numbers:

Algorithm 1:

Step 1:Start

Step 2:Read the three numbers

Step 3:Compare A and B.if A is greater perform step 4 else perform step 5

Step 4:compare A and C. if A is greater,OUTPUT  “B is Greatest” else  OUTPUT “C is Greatest”. then Perform the Step 6

Step 5:Compare B and C.if B is greater,OUTPUT “B is Greatest”  else OUTPUT ” C is Greatest”

Step 6:Stop

Algorithm 2:

Step 7:Start

Step 8: Read the three numbers A, B, C

Step 9:Compare A and B.If A is greater,Store A in MAX,else store B in MAX.

Step 10:Compare MAX  and C.If MAX is Greater, OUTPUT “MAX is greatest” else OUTPUT “C is greatest”

Step 11: Stop


 1) Algorithm:

 Sequence of instructions that carry out in a step by step manner.

 The algorithm is used to refer the logic of the program.

 It is one of the basic tool used to develop the problem solving.


 Each & every instructions should be precise (perfect)

 The instructions should not be repeated

 Ensure that the algorithm will terminate

Qualities of good algorithm:

The following factors are considered & measure the good algorithm.

1) Time: lesser time will take to execute the program.

2) Memory: lesser memory will take to execute the program.

3) Accuracy: program more accurate results.

4) Sequence: it must form in a sequence.

5) Generality: it designed to handle a range of input data to meet criteria.

So that algorithm




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