Conversion decimal to Hexadecimal,Octal,Binary

Conversion decimal to Binary:

Actual Value Of decimal:0 1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Base Value is:10 (Because total count of value is 10)

(51) base of  10 so this is decimal value

Easy method of conversion

128        64       32      16      8      4      2      1

0              0        1        1        0      0      1      1

Answer: (110011) Now we are converted to binary

Conversion of Decimal to hexadecimal:


Hexadecimal Value of count is 16

Last digit of hexadecimal value is :15

8 4 2 1       8 4 2 1

0 0 1  1       0  0  1 1  

    3                3 

Answer :33 

Conversion of Decimal to octal:


Actual Value of octal:0 1 2 3 4 5 6  7

Octal value of count is :8


1 multiply by 8^0=1

51 divided by 8 = 6 * 8 = 48-51 =3

         8 51  
  6 3

Answer is :63



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